Sharing best practices across your organization is an excellent way to improve overall performance and productivity. Regardless of the size of your group, team or company, capturing and communicating your employees’ experiences and knowledge will accelerate learning for all involved. During the day-to-day hustle, it can be difficult to create a classroom-like setting for employees to learn from one another. You can certainly set aside time in your team’s schedule for a formal learning opportunity, like attending a conference or online webinar; however, there are other ways to facilitate knowledge […]
“Investing in your Success”
Spring-Green Collective Knowledge
The Spring Green Flex Start Program
Becoming a business owner can seem like quite a risk if you’ve never owned one before. The transition between your current career and your future entrepreneurial dream may appear to be a far leap, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. At Spring Green, we’ve designed the Spring Green Flex Start Program which offers Franchise Owners greater control of their time and flexibility as they transition from their current occupation into the growing Green Industry. The right candidate is able to operate their Spring Green Franchise in a […]
How to Manage a Multi-Generational Workforce
Currently, there are five generations in the workplace, each with its own set of values, career outlooks and aspirations. The generations in today’s workplace according to Purdue University are: Traditionalists (1925-1945) – 2% of the workforce Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – 25% of the workforce Generation X (1965-1980) – 33% of the workforce Generation Y/Millennials (1981-2000) – 35% of the workforce Generation Z (2011-2020) – 5% of the workforce With these five different generations in play, employers are challenged with learning how to manage a multi-generational workforce. To do so, you […]
Knowledge Is Power
Knowledge sharing within an organization has significant benefits, but it does not always happen. It takes the leaders of any team to foster a collaborative environment, but that can be a challenge despite knowing the advantages. Here are some things you can do to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration in your business. Promote Safety in Sharing One of the best ways to encourage knowledge sharing is by creating a working environment in which team members feel they can share input and ideas that will be taken into consideration without negative […]
How To Set Performance Goals For You and Your Employees
One Gallup survey recently reported that approximately 69% of employees whose managers encourage them to set (and measure) goals are more engaged as compared to those who don’t. According to that study, those who don’t, weigh in at only 8%. This stat along with countless others make the undeniable case for creating performance goals for your team. Of course, you can count on the Spring-Green team to support you as you roll out this important element of your team-building strategy. How can I set strategic and measurable goals that will help my […]
How to Manage Client Expectations
Excellent customer service starts with managing client expectations. Helping clients understand what they can expect from your services and what they shouldn’t is a fine art. Clear communication from the start is the key to setting and meeting expectations so that your customers are happy for years to come. 8 Steps For Managing Client Expectations Honesty is the best policy. A large part of setting client expectations is honest communication. From the beginning, communicating how services will work and what you will do for your clients (as well as what you won’t) is the foundation for […]
What Are Some Productive Habits To Adopt?
For some, productivity can become hard with a short staff, tight budgets, and work-from-home scenarios. Whether you’re looking to level up your proactiveness or are a newbie, it’s not too late to become productive. Here are some tips to help you get a handle on your day, goals, and your future. 7 Habits To Help You Become More Productive Be realistic. You know yourself better than anyone. While you can strive to improve your habits and increase your productivity, you don’t want to set goals that are so elevated that you can’t achieve them. This is […]
How Can My Small Business Give Back To My Community?
When you are a small business in a small community giving back to your neighbors should be a reflex. Supporting the community that supports you is very important. Regardless of how small or large your area is, it can be difficult to figure out the best and most effective way to give back to your community. Luckily, Spring Green has done the heavy lifting for you and has compiled a few great ideas to help give back to your community. What Does Giving Back To My Community Do For My Business? There is more you can do than […]
How To Become A Better Mentor For Your Staff
As a manager, you have the unique opportunity to become a mentor to those who report to you. Bosses who rise to the occasion and take on the role of mentor transform from the title of boss into that of a leader. The truth is that whether you rise to the challenge of becoming a mentor or not, your team members will still look to you for inspiration, guidance and support. By stepping into the role of mentor, you’ll empower your employees, thus creating a better culture and, in turn, customer experience. […]
How Can Business Owners Prepare For The Busy Season?
The busy season is almost here—are you prepared? Have you thought about what you need to do to get ready for Spring? By following these tips, you can reap the benefits of the busy season while still maintaining a work-life balance. Tips to Prepare Yourself for the Busy Season Busy seasons can be challenging to get through in seasonal businesses. You’ll be required to put in long hours with the sense that it’s now or never during peak times. This stress can take a physical and mental toll. The key is being prepared and […]