“Investing in your Success”

Spring-Green Training & Support

Employee Training and Development: Investing in Your Team’s Success

In the dynamic field of lawn care, pest control, and tree care, continuous employee training is not just a necessity—it’s a strategic advantage. At Spring Green, we prioritize ongoing training to ensure our franchise stays competitive and our services top-notch. Here’s why it’s crucial and how you can craft effective training programs. Why Ongoing Training is Crucial Stay Updated: The green industry, including lawn care, pest control, and tree care, is constantly evolving with new technologies and methods. Training helps your team stay informed and effective. Skill Enhancement: Comprehensive training […]

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7 Benefits of Sharing Best Practices in an Organization

Sharing best practices across your organization is an excellent way to improve overall performance and productivity. Regardless of the size of your group, team or company, capturing and communicating your employees’ experiences and knowledge will accelerate learning for all involved. During the day-to-day hustle, it can be difficult to create a classroom-like setting for employees to learn from one another. You can certainly set aside time in your team’s schedule for a formal learning opportunity, like attending a conference or online webinar; however, there are other ways to facilitate knowledge […]

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Customer Service Basics: What Your Team Needs to Know

Customers are your company’s most critical asset.  When it comes to customer service, a positive customer experience can be the key to gaining and retaining a loyal customer. 87% of people say that good customer service changes their buying behavior. In fact, of people who reported having a bad experience, 97% claimed to change their buying decision. This is why it’s crucial that all employees, no matter what their role, are trained in the basics of customer service. Essential Customer Service Skills Active Listening – Customers want to be heard; […]

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How to Manage a Multi-Generational Workforce

Currently, there are five generations in the workplace, each with its own set of values, career outlooks and aspirations. The generations in today’s workplace according to Purdue University are: Traditionalists (1925-1945) – 2% of the workforce Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – 25% of the workforce Generation X (1965-1980) – 33% of the workforce Generation Y/Millennials (1981-2000) – 35% of the workforce Generation Z (2011-2020) – 5% of the workforce With these five different generations in play, employers are challenged with learning how to manage a multi-generational workforce. To do so, you […]

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6 Ways to Prepare Your Employees for the Busy Season

Whether or not your business is seasonal, it likely has a busy season. Perhaps your business ebbs and flows with the weather or the holidays. Either way, you’re likely to be familiar with the time when “free time” doesn’t exist for you as a business owner. Once you’re able to establish when that busy season is, you should look at what you need to do to make sure your business and employees are ready for it. Helping your team prepare for the busy times ahead can help reduce burnout, lessen […]

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How Do I Create a Positive and Productive Workplace?

While customers are the drivers of your business, so are your employees. Employees that are satisfied and enjoy coming to work are statistically more positive and productive. According to an article by Forbes, highly engaged employees and teams can increase business profitability by 21%. Employee engagement not only increases profitability but also promotes a reduction in absenteeism and company turnover. Since your employees are the backbone of your business, we’ve put together this guide to help you create a positive and productive workplace for your employees.   Why does employee happiness matter? […]

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Taking Advantage of the Off-Season

If you work in an industry that experiences slower periods throughout the year, the temptation as a business owner might be to check out and relax. While taking time to recover from the busy season is crucial, the off-season in business allows you to focus on things that you otherwise would not be able to give your attention to when times are moving quickly. Take advantage of slower periods in your business to concentrate on your employees, your customers and what you hope this year’s busy season will bring. Regroup […]

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5 Tips For Managing Stress in the Workplace

Running a business can be stressful. You put time, energy and money into creating and growing a successful company. You do it because you love what you do and being your own boss, but nonetheless, stress is inevitable. Whether you’re new to being an entrepreneur in the green industry or you’ve owned an established company for some time, you’ll need to find ways to manage the stress that accompanies owning a business. Follow these 5 tips for stress management in the workplace. Five Stress Management Tips for Business Owners Tip […]

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The Recurring Revenue In Pest Control

Recurring Revenue - Pest Control Image

Recurring Revenue can be the lift to your business’s bottom line you’ve been searching for – and pest control can offer that additional revenue stream you seek. As a Spring-Green Business Owner, you’ll tap into a powerful network of brand power, quality services, and behind the scenes processes to help you build a diverse and growing business. Let’s start with a few definitions and explanations. What is Recurring Revenue? The Recurring Revenue business model is when a customer signs up for a product or service in exchange regularly for a recurring […]

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How To Set Performance Goals For You and Your Employees

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One Gallup survey recently reported that approximately 69% of employees whose managers encourage them to set (and measure) goals are more engaged as compared to those who don’t. According to that study, those who don’t, weigh in at only 8%. This stat along with countless others make the undeniable case for creating performance goals for your team. Of course, you can count on the Spring-Green team to support you as you roll out this important element of your team-building strategy.  How can I set strategic and measurable goals that will help my […]

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