Investing In The Industry

What does the Industry Associates Program mean to you?
- We believe you may benefit from having a Spring Green business work in conjunction with your existing business. We have a collection of success stories leveraging the Spring Green marketing & support systems to help grow both of their brands.
- Diversification is a good business strategy. Pandemic aside, if Spring Green services can be a benefit and not a hindrance to your existing business then you owe it to yourself and your family to investigate.
- Spring Green’s recurring revenue model is a critical component to building a transferrable asset. It is important to build your business with an exit in mind. Recurring revenue has a much higher valuation when it is time to exit and being a part of a franchise makes for an easier transition as the brand continues under new ownership.
What is the Industry Associates Program?
Spring Green has created an Industry Program for qualified(1) Industry business owners who are seeking to diversify and expand their service by adding a Spring Green franchise to work in conjunction with their existing Industry business.
There are three components to the Spring Green Industry Program.
- Waived Franchise Fees – The Spring Green Industry Program waives the $40,000 Franchise Fee.
- Marketing Loan (2) – The initial marketing campaign fee for a new Spring Green franchise is $30,000. The Spring Green Industry Program provides you with a 60-month loan that is used to pay this portion of the investment. The first twenty-four payments are interest-free.
- Loan Forgiveness (3) – To incentivize customer growth, we have designated up to 50% ($15,000) of the Marketing Loan as forgivable. To qualify for the forgiveness amount, you need to achieve a minimum of $175,000 in total annual revenue by the completion of your second annual 12-month fiscal period.
Click to learn more, if you would like to explore the Spring Green opportunity and learn more about the Spring Green Industry Program.
- (1) Qualified – Qualification is at the discretion of Spring Green. Qualifications include but may not be limited to: Candidate is required to have an established business providing weed and fertilization or a similar service based business, which may contain transferrable revenue to the geographic territory that is awarded. A credit score of 650+ or higher.
- (2) Marketing Loan – The loan will be in the form of a secured promissory note with Spring Green. The Marketing Loan may not be used to fund any other portion of the investment.
- (3) Loan Forgiveness – The Marketing loan will be interest-free for the first 24 months. The qualified Forgiveness amount will be calculated and applied at the end of month 24. Any remaining balance on an unforgiven portion of the balance owed will be paid over the remaining 36 months. Forgiveness may be void if monthly payments are missed. The balance may be paid off without penalty at any time.