If you work in an industry that experiences slower periods throughout the year, the temptation as a business owner might be to check out and relax.
While taking time to recover from the busy season is crucial, the off-season in business allows you to focus on things that you otherwise would not be able to give your attention to when times are moving quickly.
Take advantage of slower periods in your business to concentrate on your employees, your customers and what you hope this year’s busy season will bring.
Regroup with Employees
Slower times present the perfect opportunity to regroup with your team. Consider hosting a company appreciation event to build morale. During this time, you can host team-building activities like a chili cook-off or a game of office Olympics.
You can also leverage the off-season by having individual check-ins with your employees. Lead career development conversations with your team member to better understand their interests and career goals. Discuss how you can help them reach their goals and a plan on how they can achieve them.
Taking the time to show your appreciation to your employees will pay off in their performance and your retention rate.
Touch Base with Customers
Just as regrouping with employees is important, so is touching base with customers.
Often, when a business has an off-season, its communication with customers dwindles until things pick up again. Instead of having a gap of time where your customers don’t hear from you, try creating an unexpected, memorable customer experience during your slow season.
This could look like sending your customers company-branded swag or a gift card to a local business.
Taking time to do this will show your customers that you’re thankful for them and, hopefully, encourage them to give you their business again.
Look to the Busy Months Ahead
Slower times, naturally, allow for more time to think. During your company’s off-season, set aside time to brainstorm the goals you want to reach during next year’s busy season.
These goals can be based on sales and revenue, or they could be as simple as establishing a monthly team lunch. Whatever you’d like to achieve for you and your company during the season ahead, be sure to take note and develop a plan to make it happen.
At Spring Green, our franchise owners have dedicated business consultants year-round that help with business planning, achieving your goals and growing your business. Learn how you can partner with us to grow your existing green industry business—no conversion required.