“Investing in your Success”


4 Questions to Ask Before Diversifying a Business

Diversification is a strong business strategy, but it is also a big business decision. Having the right approach and willingness to learn is a great first step. Investing in a business requires thorough evaluation and contemplation. Your careful research will guide you toward the right decision. As you narrow down a shortlist of contenders, you get into the deep research phase known as “discovery”. During the discovery phase, you need to dive below the surface to truly ascertain if there is a good fit between you and the business you […]

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Why is a Positive Work Environment Important?

Although a toxic work environment may mean different things to different people, most people would agree on what defines a positive work environment. A positive work environment in a traditional setting refers to a workplace where the employees feel excited, happy, and empowered to do their best work. It’s a place where people feel professionally, emotionally, and physically safe and supported.  When we think about a positive work environment, probably the first thing that comes to mind is the general atmosphere at the workplace. People, general culture, and great work […]

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4 Tips to Growing Your Business

When you first launch your business, your main goal is to establish your brand and start growing. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen overnight. Growth is an ongoing process that requires hard work, patience and dedication. There’s no special step or secret way to surpass other businesses in the industry or achieve immediate success. There are, however, proven ways to reach growth milestones that can catapult a business to success. Here are small business tips for accelerating growth.  1. Hire the right people Before you can even think about your company’s growth […]

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How a SWOT Analysis Strengthens Your Business Plan

Every business should have a written business plan. That plan is your roadmap to the future success of your company. Whether you’re a new business creating that blueprint for the first time, or an existing business conducting a strategic review, you want to create a clear, strategic plan to achieve your objectives. That plan includes building on strengths, minimizing weaknesses, maximizing opportunities and overcoming threats, which are all a part of a SWOT analysis. But how do you determine what opportunities your business should pursue or what threats there are […]

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Customer Service Basics: What Your Team Needs to Know

Customers are your company’s most critical asset.  When it comes to customer service, a positive customer experience can be the key to gaining and retaining a loyal customer. 87% of people say that good customer service changes their buying behavior. In fact, of people who reported having a bad experience, 97% claimed to change their buying decision. This is why it’s crucial that all employees, no matter what their role, are trained in the basics of customer service. Essential Customer Service Skills Active Listening – Customers want to be heard; […]

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Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge sharing within an organization has significant benefits, but it does not always happen. It takes the leaders of any team to foster a collaborative environment, but that can be a challenge despite knowing the advantages. Here are some things you can do to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration in your business. Promote Safety in Sharing One of the best ways to encourage knowledge sharing is by creating a working environment in which team members feel they can share input and ideas that will be taken into consideration without negative […]

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How To Set Performance Goals For You and Your Employees

Performance Goals Image

One Gallup survey recently reported that approximately 69% of employees whose managers encourage them to set (and measure) goals are more engaged as compared to those who don’t. According to that study, those who don’t, weigh in at only 8%. This stat along with countless others make the undeniable case for creating performance goals for your team. Of course, you can count on the Spring-Green team to support you as you roll out this important element of your team-building strategy.  How can I set strategic and measurable goals that will help my […]

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Lindorm Diversified His 15 Year Business with A Spring-Green Franchise

Brian Lindorm is no stranger to the Lawn Care Industry. With 15 years of experience under his belt, Brian realized it was time to diversify. “I loved how professional Spring-Green would make my business look. It was an existing business with a support team to help my current business grow.”   Brian knew long ago that sitting at a desk all day was not for him. His passions lie in supplying excellent customer service and a changing work-life atmosphere. With the support of his two children, Sheena and Ashley, and his […]

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Should I Join A Peer Group?

As a business leader, you might be hearing an often-used buzzword – peer groups. Considering jumping into a peer group scenario can leave you feeling skeptical about the benefits, expectations, and inner workings of a peer group. Spring-Green is here to answer your burning questions and give you a few tips along the way. What is a peer group? A peer group is typically made up of a group of CEOs, entrepreneurs or business leaders that, ideally, have linear roles in similar size businesses. The more aligned the elements are, the more beneficial the peer group […]

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