“Investing in your Success”

Ryan Meinika


“With Spring Green’s support and an exceptional team, I transformed my entrepreneurial vision into a thriving business, allowing me to focus on strategic growth.”

Ryan Meinika
Owner of Spring Green
Fort Wayne, IN

Green Industry Partner

Ryan Meinika’s journey into entrepreneurship began immediately after college, driven by a strong desire to be his own boss. His quest for the ideal business opportunity led him to Spring Green, where his path to success unfolded.

Right from the start, Ryan set ambitious goals, aiming to build a million-dollar franchise. With the guidance of his dedicated business consultant, Spring Green crafted a strategic plan that would fast-track him towards this milestone. This comprehensive approach included implementing targeted marketing strategies, launching direct mail campaigns, and providing ongoing support through business consultations and manager training.

Recognizing the importance of a skilled and dedicated team, Meinika invested in building a strong workforce. Today, his thriving enterprise boasts an office manager, operations manager, customer service representatives, and a team of skilled technicians. This strategic focus on team development has allowed Ryan to shift his role from working in the business to working on the business, ensuring continued growth and prosperity.

Ryan Meinika’s story is a testament to the power of vision, strategic planning, and the value of a dedicated team in achieving remarkable success in the Spring Green family.