“Investing in your Success”

Spring-Green Training & Support

How Can I Train New Employees During The Busy Season?

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It’s like a double-edged sword. Every year you find yourself needing to add staff to the team to support your busy season. You struggle to find the time and capacity to train the new staff during this crazy time. It is possible to increase your staff and bring them up to speed even while the busiest time of the year is taking place. Spring Green has the tips you need to train your new staff members safely and efficiently when you need them most. 5 Tips For Training New Employees When You Are Busy Set […]

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How Can Business Owners Prepare For The Busy Season?

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The busy season is almost here—are you prepared? Have you thought about what you need to do to get ready for Spring? By following these tips, you can reap the benefits of the busy season while still maintaining a work-life balance. Tips to Prepare Yourself for the Busy Season Busy seasons can be challenging to get through in seasonal businesses. You’ll be required to put in long hours with the sense that it’s now or never during peak times. This stress can take a physical and mental toll. The key is being prepared and […]

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Lindorm Diversified His 15 Year Business with A Spring-Green Franchise

Brian Lindorm is no stranger to the Lawn Care Industry. With 15 years of experience under his belt, Brian realized it was time to diversify. “I loved how professional Spring-Green would make my business look. It was an existing business with a support team to help my current business grow.”   Brian knew long ago that sitting at a desk all day was not for him. His passions lie in supplying excellent customer service and a changing work-life atmosphere. With the support of his two children, Sheena and Ashley, and his […]

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5 Reasons to Start Paying Attention to Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace is a top agenda item for savvy businesses around the globe. These savvy businesses understand the importance of diversity and inclusion, as well as the benefits it can bring to the overall success of their operations. The fact is that ignoring cultural diversity is no longer an option. As our world, our country, and our communities become increasingly diverse, so does our workforce. By embracing cultural diversity, you’ll find countless advantages that include, but are not limited to: A more productive, engaged workforce An increase […]

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7 Tips to Write an Effective Job Description For Ideal Candidates

Writing Job Description

A good job description should accurately describe the position that will attract the right candidates – in both qualifications and fit. Although job postings are not as comprehensive as a full-on position description, a well-written job description will help measure job performance as well as what is expected in the workplace. If it seems like we’re asking a lot of a written job description, you’re right, we are. But that’s okay because a properly-written job description will deliver on all counts. Here are 7 tips and best practices to help […]

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The Do’s and Don’ts Of Weekly Team Meetings

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We’ve all heard the meeting jokes, some funny and others not so much. “One of these days we need to hold a meeting about all these meetings we’ve been having”… “Jones thought he’d gotten widespread agreement at the last meeting when he saw all those bobbing heads, but it turns out was just everybody fighting the urge to fall asleep”… “We reached a unanimous decision at Monday’s meeting—everyone agreed that the meeting was unnecessary”… And so it goes. Why have meetings earned such a bad rap and sometimes dreaded by […]

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3 Tips to Effectively Manage Your Staff’s Projects

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Managing one’s own projects is a subject about which many books and articles have been written. Managing the projects of others, however, is a subject unto itself, as many small business owners will quickly learn as they begin to grow their staff. What’s the secret to managing employee projects without taking them over as your own? For most small business owners, this is a matter of combining effective employee management with basic project management principles. Depending on your own level of experience and skills at each, this can be somewhat […]

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Time Management: Manage Time More Efficiently to Increase Productivity

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The green industry tends to be incredibly hectic during the busy season. When the weather warms up and lawn, tree and pest needs start to grow, it can be difficult to manage time and complete all the work that has to be done. You certainly don’t want to disappoint customers with long wait times, and no business owner enjoys turning away new clients because they just can’t handle anything more. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but there are strategies you can implement to make the most of your time. Remember these […]

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Should Your Company Hire Part-Time Workers? The Pros and Cons

hiring part time staff

Many people put a stigma on the term ‘part-time’ when referring to employment. They think people who want part-time jobs are students, retirees or those who simply cannot find full-time employment. However, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data cited by Bloomberg, there are 6 million Americans who choose to work part-time as their first option. Some of these workers feel that a single, full-time job is limiting; working one or more part-time jobs gives them flexibility in their schedule and more opportunities with different companies. This is very […]

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The Importance of Weekly Meetings With Your Employees

weekly staff meetings

Over the past few years, you’ve seen your business grow—going from just you to having multiple employees, crew leaders and managers. And you know with more employees, communicating is essential to success. To be efficient, you need to meet with your team at least once a week. Commit to holding weekly staff meetings to keep the team on the same page. Gathering everyone at a weekly meeting is an excellent way to hear, first hand, any frustrations and company wins as well as reminding them of your company’s mission and […]

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