“Investing in your Success”

Spring-Green Blog

Green Industry Business: How Continued Learning Can Power Growth

National Lawn Care Month is in April, and it offers a great reminder of the importance of continual learning for any green business owner. As a lawn care entrepreneur and professional, you already place a strong value on creating a healthy lawn, but if you need some quick facts to share with your customers about why they should focus on their lawns, the National Association of Landscape Professionals offered these: • The oxygen a family of four needs can be generated by a 50-foot by 50-foot section of lawn. • […]

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Spring-Green Welcomes Newest Franchise Owner Dan Hillenbrand

Dan Hillenbrad

Spring-Green Lawn Care is proud to announce Dan Hillenbrand is taking over an existing franchise location in the Edmund area of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Hillenbrand has long possessed an entrepreneurial drive. “Since I was 10 years old, I’ve been thinking about what business I wanted to own and run,” he explained. For five years, while in college, he operated his own lawn maintenance business. He sold it after graduation and began working with a franchise of Scott’s Lawn Service in Colorado. A move back to Oklahoma City in 2007 led […]

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Does Your Green Industry Business Have the Right Insurance?

having the right insurance

Any entrepreneur who has opened his own business knows the many layers of responsibility that come with owning and operating a small company. A big area of concern revolves around insurance. Having a hedge against the unforeseen can mean the difference between your business recovering from an accident or having to shut its doors. For a green industry business, this can protect you from a variety of situations, from the expected to the unexpected, while offering valuable peace of mind. How insurance helps What are some of the possibilities that […]

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Spring-Green Welcomes Newest Franchise Owner David Roman

David Roman

Spring-Green Lawn Care is proud to announce David Roman, of Enviroscapes of Georgia, is taking over the Logansville, Georgia, franchise location. Roman has a long history in the landscape industry, following in the footsteps of his father. “I’ve been in the landscape industry since I was 13 years old,” he explained. “It’s definitely something I enjoy, and it’s evolved and grown into a way to make a living.” A full service landscape company, focusing on residential maintenance and mowing, Roman started Enviroscapes of Georgia in 2012. As he explained, “Working […]

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Customer Service: What Can Small Business Learn from Big Business?

customer service smiley faces image

Standing out as a small lawn care company used to be pretty simple—just focus on providing the best customer service. The advent of the internet and social media changed the playing field for what constituted good customer service, however, now big companies can interact on a more personal level, too, whether through messaging and live chat or social media. How’s a local green industry business to compete against the 24/7 capabilities of larger organizations? Listen to your customers. One of the keys for quality customer service is truly listening to […]

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Buy Wisely: It’s All About Vendor Relationships for Green Business Owners

buying wisely forming relationships

Green business entrepreneurs know that the relationships you have with your vendors can have a serious impact on the health of your bottom line. Developing a working relationship with vendors and buying wisely are essential. How can you make the most of your connections with suppliers to keep your green industry business thriving? Here are five ways to ensure you are buying wisely and developing healthy supplier relationships as well. Be loyal Developing a loyal relationship to a particular vendor doesn’t happen overnight. But cultivating this kind of relationship over […]

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How to Make the Most of Direct Mail Campaigns

direct mail mailbox

Customers can’t hire you if they don’t know you exist. One way to ensure that your green industry company’s name is top of mind when lawn care needs arise is by utilizing an effective direct mail campaign. This tried and true tactic—if planned and implemented well—can be highly effective when it comes to gaining visibility and enticing new customers. The basics of direct mail campaigns When it comes to creating an effective direct mail campaign, you want to start with identifying your target market. If you aren’t marketing to your […]

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How to Keep a Small Company Vibe While You Grow

growth while maintaining small business vibe

When you started on your path to entrepreneurship in the green industry, one of the factors that may have called you to go out on your own was the ability to create an atmosphere, a vibe so to speak, that was unique to your company. Of course, you also wanted to create a successful business, one that would grow and expand, providing you and your family with a stable and sustainable income. How can you reconcile that urge to grow with maintaining a small company vibe? Here’s how: Transition from […]

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Spring-Green Lawn Care Welcomes Newest Franchise Owner Keith Ives

Keith Ives

Spring-Green Lawn Care is proud to announce its newest franchise owner, Keith Ives, of Evergreen Exteriors in Clinton Township, Michigan. Ives started in lawn care in high school, working with a neighbor cutting grass during the summers. After high school, he joined the Marine Corps and when his service was over, went to work for a large company in the area. “I was running all of their operations as the operations manager, and I figured, I’m doing everything already so I might as well go into business for myself,” he […]

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How to Set the Right Prices for Lawn Care Services

setting the right prices for lawn care

Pricing is a challenge for any business, but new green industry business owners are especially aware of this struggle because of the seasonal nature of the work. On the one hand, you need to set prices that allow you to have an income during the down months, but on the other hand, you don’t want to overcharge and send customers to your competitors. How can you find that sweet spot in terms of what to charge for lawn care services? How to establish prices When it comes to what your […]

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