In this post, we’ll list five tips that will help you prepare your business for the busy season ahead.
How You Can Prepare Your Seasonal Business For Busy Times
1. Reflect on Last Season
One of the best things you can do to achieve success is to reflect on your company’s history. We recommend researching what happened last year so that you can understand your future needs. For instance, if you know which days of the week were the busiest last year, you can ensure that your business is properly staffed during those times. It’s also essential to review last year’s sales to identify popular products and confirm that you have sufficient inventory to meet your customers’ demands.
2. Ensure That You’re Well-Staffed
As a small business owner, you’re likely aware that good talent can be hard to find. According to Learning English, many seasonal businesses have trouble finding staff due to the temporary nature of the work. Because of this, you should begin recruiting employees as soon as possible. In addition, you should contact former employees to see if they’re available again. If you discover that you have staffing gaps, start conducting interviews immediately so your new staff members are well-trained by the time you open your doors.
3. Revise Your Budget
Reviewing your sales and expenses from your previous busy season will help you determine where you fell short so you can make the appropriate changes to your budget. For instance, if you over-purchased inventory last year, you should consider lowering your inventory expenses in your existing budget. Or, if you saw a dip in sales, you might spend more money on marketing costs so that you can reach more potential customers.
4. Start Marketing Early
As a seasonal business, your marketing strategy will be different from companies that operate year-round. When marketing a seasonal business, it’s essential to advertise prior to your busy season. Marketing to your customers in advance of your opening day will help to build interest in your products or services, and ensure that people know about your business. Some great ways to reach out to previous patrons and potential customers include: social media, email marketing, and direct mail.
5. Review Your Website
In our digital world, the appearance and functionality of your website is just as important as your physical storefront. That’s why it’s essential to get your website in optimal condition before your business opens. To do this, ensure that your company’s address and phone number are prominent on each website page, the layout is easy to navigate, your product pages have strong calls to action, and your content is easy to read and error free. Your website may very well be the first impression a potential customer has about your business – make it a good one!
Final Thoughts
The busy period is what every seasonal small business owner waits for each year. As you likely know, if your season isn’t a success, your business’s future could be put at risk. To have a profitable season, take the time to do upfront work, and tackle the tips mentioned in this post.
A Community of Learning
Between Spring Green and the many franchise owners, there is a community of entrepreneurs who have been in business – and in the Green Industry – for many years. There is a lot that they have already seen with respect to a business’ online reputation.
There is also a community of Spring Green franchise owners. The ability for franchise owners to interact with each other during peer groups, national conventions, and Spring Green online forums provides a tremendous amount of support for each other. Together, they learn how they handle situations, see who might be doing something a different way, and hear ideas from others who do what they do.
Whether you are in the Green Industry and want to diversify or are looking for a turn-key franchise, Spring Green may be the perfect fit for you. Learn more about the Spring Green franchise opportunity.